Friday, April 24, 2009

Digital Montages

For my first montage, I took a picture of my boyfriend walking away, down a path. Then on top of that I put a picture of me holding onto his hand, trying to get him to stay. The message of this montage is that you shouldn't let go of something that makes you happy. No matter how hard things get, if you keep going further down that same path, things will get better with time. This is important to me because I tend to give up on things that mean a lot to me. I never give it the chance to make me happy. I just assume that I should get out of the situation.

For my second montage I decided to go with a fun theme. I first took a picture of my boyfriend swinging at a playground with a really happy look on his face. Then I took a picture of a toy truck that was in the sandbox. I chose the theme that inside of everyone, there is still a little kid. You don't have to grow up right away, there should be room in your life to always just remember the things you did when you were a child.

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