Thursday, April 30, 2009

Attractive & Repulsive #1.

For my first repulsive picture I decided to do something that I personally think is very disgusting. Cigarettes in general are gross, due to the smell, they are very unhealthy and kill your lungs, and they are a waste of money, seeing as how they cost almost or at least seven dollars. But the fact that people just throw them on the ground after they suck the nicotine out of them is even worse. It's not helping our enviornment at all. I thought this was a good photo to take because of all the standpoints people have on smoking and cigarettes. Also, to show that something so disgusting can compose a beautiful picture.

For my first attractive picture, I decided to do something that you see everyday. People don't pay much attention to the little things in life. I used something as simple as a small plant surrounded by grass and sticks . Even the simplest things around you can be beautiful, it all just depends on how you capture them. For the composition of this picture, I layed in the grass next to this plant, using the close up tool on my camera, and took many different photos at different angles until I found one that was attractive. I changed the style of the picture so that it was black and white, then layed it over the original copy of the photo.

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