Friday, May 8, 2009

Attractive & Repulsive #2

For my second attractive picture I took a photo of a dandelion and a purple flower. I think they balance each other out because the dandelion is a weed, yet still beautiful, and the purple flower adds a little more color to it. I put set the purple one above the dandelion so it looked like they were growing next to each other to make a very pretty scence. This picture is also accented with the greens of the grass and leaves around each flower.

For my second repulsive picture I decided to take a picture of a dead worm. Since it was raining and really humid the day before, I thought it would look a little gross if it was dead because then there would be other stuff on it and it might be in pieces. I like the way the yellow line on the concrete balances the colors so they are not all dull. I think it makes the picture pop a little more and makes your eyes focus on whats below it. The little rock in the photo leads your eye to the worm because it is directly across from it.

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